Welcome to another edition of Financial Fitness Fridays, where I share a few words of financial wisdom to help put YOU back in the driver’s seat of YOUR financial future.

This first part of the blog is going to seem like a mini-commercial: let’s talk about what makes Sneller Financial different than your cookie-cutter planning firm. You see, I am in financial services, but I operate much differently than most people you’ll meet in my profession.

Why? Because I believe that the average American citizen has been misled and taken advantage of – for decades – by the very institutions that have “promised” to “take care” of our money.

When I say this, I’m talking about the Big Banks / Banking System; Wall Street; The Federal Reserve; and especially, the Internal Revenue Service.

So, I am on a crusade to educate every tax-paying American citizen about how wealth truly works vs. simply chasing rates of return.

Once I can get people to understand and implement the strategies that the wealthy already know, I can help the average person to take back control of their money from this “Financial Matrix”, and from these forces who seek to take their money from them.

For decades, the Financial Matrix has conditioned us to play by their rules; and they’ve conditioned us that none of it matters!

Just a little bit of taxes here; just a little bit of interest paid over here; just a little bit of fees paid over here. We’ve gotten to the point where we don’t even notice it, but over time, it adds up to tens of thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of real dollars slipping through our fingers, lost to the Matrix.

Now imagine that money not working for you; not snowballing; not earning compound interest! Imagine the lost opportunity cost of that money over time!

What if we could show you how to take back control of your money from the Financial Matrix?

And don’t get me started on the outdated methods of traditional retirement plans.

With these plans, you lock your money up until a much later age, and the government tells you when you CAN take distributions when you HAVE to take distributions, and HOW MUCH to take… and if you don’t follow their rules, you get a monetary penalty!

So, who is really in control here?

If you’re still following “conventional wisdom” of accumulating your nest egg within a traditional 401k or IRA, do you realize that you’ve likely put yourself 7th in line to be paid?

That’s right, once you retire and begin taking distributions from your 401k, you may end up getting paid 7th, depending on where you live.

  1. Federal Income Tax
  2. State Income Tax
  3. Local / City Tax – if you live or work in a city that has a local tax, you may owe this too (the city of Detroit, for example)
  4. Medicare Premium offset – if you did “too well” or show “too much income” it could jack up your Medicare Premium
  5. Social Security – same thing as Medicare. If you earn “too much income,” then up to 85% of your social security becomes taxable
  6. Your investment adviser is going to make their fees before you receive your distributions.
  7. Finally, #7 is you. You get what is left after all of the above.

I help people to avoid this paradigm as much as possible. I teach people how to take back control of their money from the Financial Matrix and move them to the front of the line!

I educate my clients on how to build as much wealth as possible outside of the Matrix – and off the radar screen of the IRS for income tax purposes! How? By using the tax code. It’s a matter of knowing what strategies and accounts to utilize.

I teach people how they may be able to structure their retirement plan so that when they take distributions – regardless of how much it is – they don’t owe any income tax. This strategy also maximizes the amount of social security they get to keep and minimizes their Medicare premium!

The tax code is 30,000 pages long and is incredibly convoluted. However, it details how the IRS wants us to earn, save, and take distributions; it also teaches us how it doesn’t want us to. That is why when you take distributions from a 401k or IRA, you could be hammered with taxes!

So why do we keep attempting to build our wealth within the confines of the Financial Matrix – where the rules and laws are set up to benefit them first, and you last??

My friends, there has never been a BETTER time to take back control of your financial future from the Financial Matrix and start building wealth for YOU. For your FAMILY. And for your LEGACY.

If you’re interested in learning how to do this, you have me on your side, and I’m here to help.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. Please let me know your thoughts by replying or commenting.

P.S. If you haven’t checked it out yet, please stop by my mini online seminar How Retirees and Pre-Retirees Can Potentially Avoid Going Broke While Keeping Their Nest-Egg Secure! Tons of great information and bonus is it is 100% COMPLIMENTARY!



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