Welcome to another edition of Financial Fitness Fridays, where I share a few words of financial wisdom to help put YOU back in the driver’s seat of YOUR financial future. 

This past week, I was reading an industry newsletter written by another advisor, and it said we are about to see the GREATEST TRANSFER OF WEALTH IN HISTORY.

Between now and the year 2050, an estimated $50 Trillion – $100 Trillion will transfer from Baby Boomer parents to Baby Boomers, and then on to their children.

Here is why this can be so damaging to your financial future if you do not have a plan for this:

  • The government knows that this transfer is coming, and it wants to grab an inordinately large share of this transfer to fund all of the programs and everything that the government provides.
  • The nursing care industry knows that this transfer is coming, and it knows that it will become a substantial creditor of the aged, as we see this huge demographic shift of an aging population.
  • The health care industry knows that this transfer is coming, and it is requiring more & more out of pocket expenses to deal with elderly health care.

And what will that mean for the average person? Higher Taxes? Reduced benefits?

The government printing more currency, and inflating the heck out of the money supply? (which will reduce your purchasing power?) 

And every time the government tampers with the money supply and the laws that govern it, doesn’t that create more opportunity for abuse & scandals? And doesn’t that result in more and more market volatility?

And now people are living longer and longer, so doesn’t that meant that they would have to plan for many cycles of taxes, reduced benefits, market volatility, and inflation?

Here is the thing – this is all out of our control. These things will happen. But does it have to affect YOU?

What if I could help keep you in control of your money until you took your last breath, and then instead of your money going to the government, or one of these local nursing homes or hospitals, what if we could work toward keeping that money in your family for generations to come?

Imagine a life where no matter what happened with the government, or the economy, or the markets, or a virus, you were financially secure, because you strategized and devised a plan to be financially successful regardless of what happens?

I can help you do that. I can help you.

BUT – we need to take the time to visit together and to plan. Success in any endeavor does not just happen by chance. It is planned.

My friends, we MUST plan for the inevitable challenges ahead. As the old saying goes, people do not plan to fail, they just fail to plan.

Do not be one of those people. You are better than that, and I know you can do it! You have me on your side, and I am here to help.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. Please let me know your thoughts by replying or commenting.




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